In the framework of the program of promotion of the principles of the Public Administration Reform in Montenegro, the New Horizon begins the realization of the project entitled “Public Money for the Public Benefit”.
The project specifically aims to promote greater participation of civil society and media in increasing the transparency and accountability of spending public money in the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure in the maritime area, which should respond the needs of citizens.

Since the public interest in the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure in the maritime area, as well as the transparency of spending of budget funds of the Public Enterprise for Marine Management (NPMD) exceeds the interests of the business community (those who through business agreements manage and exploit this space), NGO New Horizon with its partners will promote the participation of civil society and media in the territory of the Municipality of Ulcinj, in supervising NPMD activities. This cooperation should result in joint action, which may have an impact on increasing the transparency of spending public money during construction and maintenance of public infrastructure in the maritime area. In this way it will be possible to evaluate the effects of these investments as well.

The way of implementation and the methods selected for project implementation combine the collection and analysis of data on public spending in the maritime area through a detailed monitoring of public procurement procedures in the NPMD, training and capacity growth of representatives of the civil society organizations and the media, and also field monitoring of the realization of investments in public infrastructure.

This project is implemented in the framework of the Program for Civil Society and Media: Supporting the thematic regional networks of civil society organizations – “Equal Partners NGOs in the Public Financial Monitoring Process”, implemented at the Western Balkans level by the support of financial resources of the European Union.