As a part of the RAZVOJ LOKALNOG PARLAMENTARIZMA (DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCAL PARLAMENTARISM) programme that started last year, there was organised a one-day seminar for local councillors named “Parlamentarna komunikacija” (“Parliament Communication”) on 22 April 2009, and its main aim was the improvement of quality and efficacy in the work of the local parliament that would be in accordance with citizens’ needs. The project was fulfilled thanks to the financial budget means of the Municipality of Ulcinj.

The main discussed topics of the seminar were:

  • Communication, interpersonal communication, effective communication
  • Communication of citizens and local authorities – law frame
  • Obstacles in communication, argumentation, critical perception of information
  • Development of systems/mechanisms of effective communication with citizens

Representatives of all the council clubs that participate in the Municipal Parliament of Ulcinj, apart from the “Forca” Club took part in this seminar. Trainers and moderators of this seminar were: Ajša Hadžibegović and Kerim Međedović. The seminar took place at Hotel PRINCESS in Bar.

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